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New Book Series: Cinepoetics Essay

News from Sep 07, 2020

Today's publication of Michael Wedel's latest book, Ort und Zeit: Filmische Heterotopien von Hochbaum bis Tykwer, marks the starting point for our third book series: Cinepoetics Essay. Just as for our previous ones, Cinepoetics and Cinepoetics - English Edition, we are grateful for our partner, the renowned publishing house De Gruyter. The editors of this book series are our directors Hermann Kappelhoff and Michael Wedel.

The series Cinepoetics Essay investigates the multifaceted poetologies of audiovisual images, with each volume focusing on a specific theme or subject. The respective objects of study are approached from a personal point of view, or examined from a specific aesthetic, cultural-historical, or theoretical perspective. Thus, the series provides ways of thinking about figurations of media experience and aims at introducing a broad readership to an understanding of cinematic thinking in all its diversity.

The entries of this series will be published as softcover, EPUB and - via Open Access - in PDF format.

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