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Anne Eusterschulte: "Filmisches Sehen von Zeit-Landschaften"

03.05.2022 | 18:00

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On the outskirts of Tehran, a man is driving through barren hills in search of someone who will cover over his dead body with earth once his suicide attempt succeeds. In TASTE OF CHERRY (F/IRN 1997) by Abbas Kiarostami, we are drawn into the poetic vortex of an event that traverses cinematic landscapes.

In her lecture, Anne Eusterschulte (Freie Universität Berlin) examines the film-viewing of timescapes. By studying spatial vectors and temporal modes of movement, the lecture explores how Kiarostami transforms affective-multisensory reflections on cultural-historical, political-religious and existential experiences of time into a continuous movement. These landscape sequences concern themselves not only with the aesthetic modeling of time, but also with filmmaking, and the imaginative dimensions of timescape film-viewing.