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Mark B. N. Hansen

Mark B. N. Hansen

Mark B. N. Hansen

Mark B. N. Hansen is James B. Duke Professor of Literature at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. There, he also directs the Program in Literature at the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences. Previously, he held positions at the University of Chicago, the National Humanities Center, and the University of California, where he received his PhD in comparative literature.

Among his research interests are (digital) media theory and aesthetics as well as phenomenology and process philosophy. His major publications include New Philosophy for New Media (MIT Press, 2006) and Feed-Forward: On the Future of Twenty-First Century Media (Chicago UP, 2014). His current essay, "Prosthesis for Feeling: Intensifying Potentiality through Media," will appear mid-year in the anthology Anthropologies of Entanglement (Bloomsbury, 2023), edited by Christiane Voss, Lorenz Engell, and Tim Othold.