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Cinepoetics Book Series #3 Released: "Audiovisual Rhythms" by Jan-Hendrik Bakels

Bakels_Audiovisuelle Rhythmen

Bakels_Audiovisuelle Rhythmen

News from Jan 06, 2017

The third volume of the Cinepoetics book series has been published: "Audiovisuelle Rhythmen: Filmmusik, Bewegungskomposition und die dynamische Affizierung des Zuschauers" [Audiovisual Rhythms: Film Music, Compositions of Movement, and the Dynamics of Affects].

Bakels' book explores the relationship of movement and music in film to study the aesthetic principles of audience affect. It begins by a reconstructive analysis and theoretical reflection on the rhythmicity of films – and goes on to show the extent to which the rhythmic dimension of audiovisual images offers access to intersubjective strategies to induce affect in the movie theater.

An English translation will be available soon.

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